The point of sale and barcoding industry has developed a streamlined approach for data-capture and dissemination that is far-reaching and technologically driven. Whether it be at the airport when your boarding pass is scanned, or in a grocery store where merchandise is checked-in, barcoding technology is at the forefront. Furthermore, technology like the paperless, touchscreen POS, the wireless receipt printer, the RFID module and the barcode printer have all facilitated an age of mobile commerce. The conversation is no longer about whether we manually write receipts, or even if they need to be printed; now, the conversation is about what comes after paperless, emailed receipts. What comes after employee scanning, individually labeled packages, and RFID theft protection? The point of sale and barcoding industry is tasked with developing new methods to streamline supply chains and customer to employee interactions.
While the innovators in the POS and barcoding market are tasked with evolving and creating technology, Midwest ComTel is tasked with supporting and maintaining existing infrastructure. In every market there are first movers and there are laggards; in between are the early adopters and late adopters. There are always going to be people and businesses who choose to remain with the technology they have, why? Because it works and because switching costs are too high. Midwest ComTel’s responsibility is marketing to and supplying those subsections of the pos and barcoding market. A complement to this service is our ability to provide value-extraction services to the innovators in the market.